March Month 2009
Friday, March 27th, 2009
The Psalmist provides for us in the close of the 23rd Psalm, a reason to shout with a voice of triumph, because of the promises of God. Surely, suggest, that there is no doubt in his mind, there is no reservation about God’s ability nor his desire to dispatch goodness and mercy to our side. To make sure that goodness and mercy is available to cover my multiple mistakes, to be merciful towards me when I don’t deserve it.
The icing on the cake is that after he assures that my earthly existence will consistent of Divine supervision he then injects that my eternal living arrangements takes me from Earth to Glory. Not only will I never be alone in this earth, but I’ll always be with Him in Heaven on high. No matter what you are going through, remember you are Never Alone.
Pastor S.P. Courtney
Friday, March 20th, 2009
Knowing the moment and time in which you are operating is critical to taking advantage of your season. If you are in a season of growth and progress, you must aggressively pursue opportunities to grow. Solomon in his Ecclesiastical writings presents us in chapter 3 with a life principle that gives us the keys to enhancing our quality of life.
You have to know what time it is. If it is your season to start a business don’t wait, if it is your season to change careers, don’t wait. If it is time to stop doing what you’ve always done, so you can’t stop getting what you’ve always got, then it is time to cast something away. We must differentiate the people, things and habits in our lives that are seasonal.
It may be time to get into a new relationship, or may be time to cast away an old relationship that is hindering your spiritual growth. You may need to make a commitment to keep something or keep on doing something that you have not fully committed to in the past. Whatever the challenge is, it will evolve into an opportunity when you discern "What Time it really is, in your life."
It's Your Season,
Pastor S.P. Courtney
Jesus death confirms that our brothers are not defined by biological blood but by the shed blood of Calvary. When men are unified in their efforts to do right or to do good, they are endowed with the power of the Holy Ghost and they will find themselves operating in the favor of God.
The Psalmist said it best. Oh How good and pleasant it is. Jesus said only the Father is good, which suggest that the Psalmist is saying that brothers (men) or divinely good, when they unite themselves in the will of God. It is my humble opinion that with God on or side, when Godly men or Unified, they cannot be Denied!! We need to set our differences aside, and press toward the mark of the high calling, in Christ Jesus unifying ourselves for the good of the Kingdom.
Put Jesus First,
Pastor S.P. Courtney
19) Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, "why could we not cast it out?" 20) And He said to them, "Because of the littleness of your faith: for truly I say to you, if yuou have the faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, "Move from here to there, and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible to you." 21) "but this kind dos not go out, except by prayer and fasting." -Matthew 17:19-21
In a time of unprecedented difficulties, the church cannot afford to operate, in a business as usual mentality. We cannot rely on choirs to sing us through, or preachers to preach us out, we must possess a faith (of our own) that gives us access to the power of the Almighty God. The crisis of of today appears to be financial on the surface, but it is more about Faith.
Jesus used the event of the little boy over powered by a demonic presence that was wrecking his life to demonstrate our need for prayer and fasting. The Demon would cast him into the fire and hurt him but Jesus told the disciples the only way to defeat such an attack is through prayer and fasting. The body of Christ must understand that we are in spiritual warfare and to maximize the power of our faith, we must do it through prayer and fasting. Denying our flesh and engaging in constant prayer to our Father, will bring us in unison with His spirit and in possession of His power.
We must humble ourselves, identify and celebrate our blessings but do not ignore the presence of evil around you. Fasting and Prayer are required to defeat the demonic presence in our lives. Paul said evil is always around. If you are struggling with victory over evil, please evaluate your prayer life, and remember Fasting and Prayer are required.
In His Name,
Pastor SP Courtney