Meet Our Staff

Senior Pastor -  Rev. Stuart P. Courtney
Rev. Stuart P Courtney is the current Senior Pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church of Bonham Texas. He has been a resident of Carrollton Texas for the past 14 years. Reverend Courtney is a husband and father who is committed to his family and his responsibilities as Pastor of the Bethlehem Baptist Church.
Rev. Courtney has been a leader in his community many different capacities, always demonstrating a commitment to impacting the lives of young people. He has served as the President of the Dallas Diamond Network, an Employee Resource Group of Sprint Corporation which focuses on employee development and community involvement. He also serves as a Committee Member on the Employee Community Volunteer Committee, and the Sprint Community Relations Council. His involvement in these organizations include leading fundraising events for the United Way, March of Dimes and other Non Profit Partners. He is also responsible for leading or participating in annual back to school supply drives, Jr. Achievement, Texas Scholar and other related events.
Rev. Courtney also served as Youth Minister for 8 years at the Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church in Dallas where he developed tutoring programs, and hosted events which focused on helping students prepare for higher education. He also was the director of the Ambassadors for Christ Drill Team Ministry for 10+ years, and organization committed to teaching discipline, commitment and leadership to youth ages 9-18.  

First Lady- Sister Deadra Courtney

Youth Ministry- VACANT POSTION

Church Administrator / Marketing & Social Media Director - Bro. Tim La Vergne, II
Brother Timothy La Vergne, II became part of Bethlehem Baptist Church family in March 2008. Bro. Tim, has taken on many roles to help spread God's word throughout his kingdom. He is active in the Youth Ministry, Membership Committee Board, Focus on the Future Board, Church Executive Administrator, Webmaster/IT Support, Marketing, Soical Media, and other different roles.

Bro. Tim is the Director of the House of Bread Junior Mimes (HOBJM) and is the founder of Bethlehem's House of Bread Mime Ministry (HOBMM). He has performed at numerous churches in the surrounding area such as Fannin, Hopkins, Dallas, Tarrant, and Grayson Counties and has traveled to Simmesport, LA, and Birmingham, AL. As a church, Bethlehem Baptist is mostly proud of this outstanding website that Bro. Tim created from top to bottom.

Bro. Tim, favorite scripture is Luke 2:40- "And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the Grace of God was upon him".
My best memory at Bethlehem is when I joined the church. I knew that God lead me here for reason. You just can't sit in the pews and not do anything! All of us are here to spread the wonderful word of "Jesus Christ" 24/7/365. What I enjoy most is helping at the Youth Bible Study and ministering to others through the Mime Ministry.

Bro. Tim volunteers a lot with both the Bonham Police and the Fire Departments assisting with all kinds of projects, such as child's safety, crime prevention, and fire safety. He is also involved with the March of Dimes, Relay for Life, Fannin County Family Crisis Center, Fannin County Children's Center, Fannin County Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), and many other volunteer groups. Bro. Tim holds an Associate Degree of Applied Science -Criminal Justice in Law Enforcement.

If I can touch someone's life, then I know I am doing what I'm called to do for God's Kingdom. I have been told by so many people that I always have a smile on my face. I'm just blessed because "God" gave me another day in life. The devil can't give your JOY, but the only thing he can do is bring you down or make you weak. Why would you want to live a life like that, when you have a Father, who will be there when times are tough and it seems like you will never make it. I'm reminded that Jesus will make a way out of no way.

I ask you today, "What did you do to help God's Kingdom? Start today, before it's too late. 

Music Ministry- Bro. Allen Webester

Finance Ministry- Deacon Joe Dale

Women Ministry- Sister Malena Furtch
I joined Bethlehem Baptist Church, on February 25, 1973. I have served as a teacher for the Intermediate Class and served on the Senior Usher Board for 25 years. I presently serve as the Mission President. I have a role in the Greeters Ministry, Prayer Team, Culinary, Finance Committee, and Evangelism Team. I became a Deaconess on January 18th, 1987.
Favorite Scripture: Romans 8:28- "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them that are called according to his purpose.
Sister Furtch favorite memory here at Bethlehem was when she participated in the senior plays: "God Helps Those", "No Room in the Inn", "Who killed the Congregation", and "Our time has Come"
A Greeter is a person who welcomes and entertains guests in their Church and shows hospitality to all that enter the House of the Lord. He/She goes to great lengths to protect his/her guests. This is considered a sign of faithfulness to God. Our purpose for standing at the door is to exemplify Christ's love. We are to accommodate our visitors and members to let them know that they are family. We are to be Abraham was- a host to angels unaware.
The Greeters are the first people that the congregation sees when they enter the Sanctuary so they have the first job of preparing an atmosphere conducive to worship. I enjoy being a greeter because I have fun blessing others, and yet get blessed at the same time.

Deacons Ministry- Chairman Delmer Traylor

Benevolence Committee- Sister Vera Ross
Sis. Vera Ross is a retired educator from Bonham Independent School District. She taught school for 25 years at the then Stephenson Head Start School. Sis. Ross has been active in the church for more than five decades.

Sis. Ross has held many positions at Bethlehem Baptist Church. She is currently the President of the Family Life and Social Concerns - Benevolent Fund. She serves on the Deaconess Board and has done so many years. She is a Devotional Leader for the Women's Missionary Society and is the Chairperson of the Floral Committee.

Sis. Ross says that she has many precious memories at Bethlehem; such as the Christmas, Easter and Black History Programs are a few of her favorites. Sis. Ross also says that taking the summer church trips was another favorite of hers.

The ministry that Sis. Ross is involved in is about helping others; I like and enjoy doing it because it gives me an opportunity to express my love for Christ by spreading sunshine in the lives of those in need.

Director of Evangelism- Deacon John Evans