What then? Are we better than they? No, in no wise: for we have before proved both Jews and Gentiles, that they are all under sin. As it is written “there is none righteous , no not one.” (Romans 3:9-10)
When believers talk about unity and teach about togetherness it is possible that we really don’t realize how connected we are. We are not only brothers and sisters in Christ, but we are also sealed by the stain of sin, an our parallel problem which resulted in the death of our Savior and the deliverance of our souls. We may not look alike, sound alike, or even sin just alike, but I assure you we are all in this together. Yet some times our actions and our attitudes suggest that we think we are better than the next person. Church, “Are we in this together?”
The Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Rome suggest that neither Jew nor Gentile had an advantage in righteousness. That we all stood in need of salvation. In fact Paul ask the question of his Jewish brethren are we better than they? Perhaps this question needs to be asked every Sunday morning, as believers enter the sanctuary, each of us need to examine our hearts. No matter how long you been in the church, how many songs you have lead, how many prayers you have prayed, are you better than anyone else who has entered the house of God. Does your tenure, your talent or your treasure give you more right in the kingdom than any other born again believer?
If we are truly in this together, then verse 10 is where we should start each day of our lives. As it is written none of us are righteous, we are all born in sin, and we are all in need of rebirth. Once we have been born again, we are not better than any other born again believer, we are all in this together! “Are we in this Together”?
Pastor SP Courtney
“And walk in love as Christ also hath loved us and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling savour.” (Ephesians 5:2)
Every born again believer have heard or expressed the term “Walk with me Lord.” It is a line in a historical hymn that believers have passionately sung throughout our history. “While I am on this tedious journey, I want Jesus to walk with me!” However I am not confident that many of us understand the requirements or the divine expectations of a walk with Jesus. In fact I think many of us want the idea of the walk, we want the benefits and notoriety of the walk, but do we really comprehend the concept of this holy walk. I believe the Apostle Paul had a clear understanding when he wrote the church at Ephesus in our text.
The Apostle Paul’s letter to the church at Ephesus in chapter 5 suggests that all believers should be followers of God, like children walking behind their parents. With this in mind, he says walk in love. As you move about your day, walk and move in a spirit of love. Not any kind of love but the type of love that was and is modeled by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Walk in a love that is selfless and sacrificial. Willing to do for others what they cannot do for themselves. Willing to live in such a way, that the aroma of your life smells good to God…
Perhaps each of us want to walk with Jesus, but all us need to truly examine our walk. Ask ourselves the question; is our walk worthy of walking with He whose name is Wonderful, Mighty God, the Prince of Peace? Are we willing to walk in the Love of Christ that others might see our good works and Glorify your Father which is in heaven? “Are we willing to walk in it”?
Pastor SP Courtney
“So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses.” (Matthew 18:35)
Each believer in all denominations have said, recited or heard the Lord’s prayer. From a little child most Christians are memorizing the model prayer so we have at least heard “forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us..” This model prayer taught by Jesus himself sets divine expectation on the prayer life of every believer. When we ask God to forgive us of our sins we must already have a forgiving heart. The question for the 21st century church is “Do you have a forgiving Heart?”
In our text Jesus himself, is teaching a class using a parable in which a property owner has forgiven his servant for not repaying him a debt that he owed. Instead of casting him out or punishing him for the debt the Master forgave him and restored him. The same servant when dealing with someone who owed him was harsh and cast the debtor into prison for not paying him. When his master heard he ask him why did he not show the same compassion that had been shown to him? Then his master was angry and delivered him to tormentors who would torment him until he paid all that he owed. The scripture in verse 35 then says, likewise will the our heavenly Father do unto is our hearts are not forgiving..
What grudges are we holding, what injustice are we angry about and have not forgiven those who mistreated us? Perhaps the guilt that you feel is not because God has not forgiven you but because of the un-forgiveness we are harboring in our heart. We must learn to forgive others no matter what for it impacts how God forgives us. “Do you have a forgiving Heart”?
Pastor SP Courtney