
What do they say about you in the world?

First I thank my God through Jesus Christ for you all, that your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world. (Romans 1:8)

Perhaps as a result of the fact that we live in a world that is overwhelmed and dominated with media and information 24hours a day what is being heard and said can often have great influence and impact on those listening. We have for the most part learned that what people say do not define us but rather what we believe and what we do is what truly designs and define us. Therefore the observation of others based on what we believe and how we live our faith, even in the world our faith should have a voice. .  "What do they say about you in the world? 

The Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans identifies them as the called of Jesus Christ. He chooses to make his first witness not those solely of the faith,  fellow ministers, or evangelist of the gospel who traveled to and fro. No, Paul said I am so thankful to God for the believers that you are , how you live your faith that it is spoken of throughout the world.

Perhaps he is recalling the stories he has heard travelers who have passed through Rome and are now in cities where he is preaching and teaching and they are giving and account of the work and witness of the believers at Rome. We know that Christians were persecuted in Rome, they were beaten and imprisoned but the testimony was not about their struggle but the strength of their faith. . 

Even now in our  climate of darkness where terrorism, the attack on marriage, and worldly religions where is the testimony of the 21st century believer? Are we standing for the faith, is the world seeing our faults, our fears or our FAITH? "What do they say about you in the World?!

Pastor SP Courtney


They that sow in tears will reap in Joy -Psalm 126:5

I do not believe anyone starts their day with the intent of experiencing difficulty or despair. There are no born again believers that seek to be persecuted or pray for trials and tribulations. However, in this life Jesus himself said we will have trials and tribulations. In the book of Revelation it is stated that "He will wipe away all tears from our eyes. All of these scriptures remind us that though we serve a Great God and are blessed because we belong to Him we are not exempt from pain and suffering. But, if we trust God we know that even out of our pain there is great gain. "NO Pain No gain! 

The Psalmist makes a powerful statement, which suggest that when we sow, invest, commit ourselves to suffer for our faith, our reward will be real joy. If we as born again believers would consider the will of God in everything we do and realize that even if we have to suffer temporarily, the end result will always be great joy!

Instead of complaining, being depressed or disappointed we must press forward believing that even though we are in a storm, joy will come. We may have to cry over our finances, lost of a love one, we may have to weep because of persecution and problems on every side but we can find hope in knowing that when we sow in tears we will reap in Joy!

If we work hard to be who God called us to be, children of light, salt of the earth, the righteousness of God, then all of our struggles will not lead to our destruction but rather our struggle will make us strong. Our pain will guide us to progress and lead us to purpose. Whenever you feel like crying, whenever you are in despair remember, weeping only last for the night, but Joy cometh in the morning. "No Pain, No gain!

Pastor SP Courtney