December Month 2010

Friday, Decemeber 24th, 2010
And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we beheld his glory, the Glory as of the only begotten of the father.) full of grace and truth. -John 1:14
Many of us will awake to pre-determined gifts, items that we asked for, hinted about or in some cases purchased for ourselves. What we have come to call our Christmas gifts are items which bring us a moment of happiness that in some cases lose their value after the moment is gone. I encourage to examine what did you really receive at Christmas?

John records, that the WORD became flesh. Jesus Christ the Son of God is also the very Word of God which spoke in the beginning and everything that was not came to be. The power of God dwelt in human form in the presence of humanity. Disrobing himself of his divinity and his deity and descending to earth as a willing sacrifice for you and I. Yet he did not come without benefits, for John says he was full of Grace and truth. The word grace here is translated love, it was fullness of His love that allowed him to make his journey to save us.

Perhaps you will get everything you desire under the tree. I suggest to you beloved that you already received everything you needed when Jesus died on the
tree, Just maybe we should look past the gifts we see, and remember what we really got for Christmas. May the real reason for the season, give you an abundance of Joy, Peace, Love and prosperity. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Pastor SP Courtney

Friday, Decemeber 17th, 2010
"When they were filled, He said unto his disciples, Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing is lost."-John 5:12

During this Christmas season many believers will have the desire to be blessed. To receive something through traditional giving at Christmas or a unexpected blessing as a result of the kindness of strangers. There are those who will ask God to bless them and their family this Christmas with the things they stand in need of and in some cases the desires of their heart. The question I want us to consider today is "What did you do with your last blessing"?

When Jesus used a little boy's lunch to feed five thousand men plus women and children, it was an extraordinary blessing in which the power of God as our provider was on display. However, it is what is stated in verse 12 that is even more incredible. After everyone is filled which suggest they were satisfied, Jesus advises the disciples to collect all of the remaining fragments so that nothing is lost. This blessing resulted in overflow and Jesus was concerned with how they managed the abundance of their blessings. Perhaps you have to think about it but I know God has blessed us all and in some cases we have more than what we need. We have more shoes, more clothes that we cannot wear, even food that we waste and do not eat. Whatever it is that God has blessed you with, He is observing how you handle your blessing and your overflow. If you are expecting God to do something special, consider the fact that He also has expectations on us.

 Find a way this Christmas season to be a blessing to someone else. Open your heart to give before you extend an open hand to receive. Examine yourself, your property and your possessions and make sure you don't let what God has given you is lost in selfishness. "What did you do with your last blessing"?

Pastor SP Courtney

Friday, December 10th, 2010
"And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night. And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying, "glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill toward men."- Luke 2:8, 13-14

What a wonderful experience for ordinary people being a part of an extraordinary moment in time. Were they special shepherds, selected by the king or perhaps dignitaries who were hand selected to greet the new born king? Will you be in position to be blessed when your blessing manifest itself in your life? Will you be in the "Right Place at the Right Time"?

Luke the faithful physician and friend of the apostle Paul and other apostles records the birth of Christ in chapter 2 of the gospel that bears his name. The angel of the Lord appeared unto the shepherds when they were in the field tending their sheep. Just ordinary men, doing were they were supposed to be doing. Ordinary men, at work, on time, doing exactly what they needed to be doing. Perhaps they were tired and did not feel like working that day? Rather these shepherds because they were right where God had predestined them to be, they found themselves in position to be blessed. They were not only spoken to by one angel but an entire heavenly host praised God for them and for who He was. We may not be exactly where we want to be, but if we are where God wants us to be, then we are definitely in the Right place at the Right time.

 Perhaps you are not sure about your current circumstances. I encourage you to wait on the Lord, God will strengthen you and you may be next in line for a miracle. You will never know if you are not, in the Right Place at the Right time!

 Pastor SP Courtney


Friday, December 3rd, 2010
"He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God: in him will I trust -Psalm 91:1-2

In a season where many or worried about their security, due to terrorism or their financial security due to the economy, we are all looking for a place that or position that provides comfort and confidence to our soul. How can we truly know that everything will be alright, that our nation is safe, that the economy will rebound and that our faith in God gives us the Perfect Place to Stand.

The Psalmist in Psalm here in Psalm 91 is suggesting the undisputable, undeniable most secure place available. However, it is clear that this place requires preparation and early registration. We are the ones chosen to dwell in a secret place, the fact that it is secret suggest that we received a special an invitation and our place is reserved. There are those who perhaps know the most High God, but they don't dwell in His secret place. I do thank God that in the midst of all the current day turmoil and stress, there is a place that I can stand and know that He is my refuge and my fortress. To have God as my refuge suggest I can come to Him when my world is under attack, when I don't have anywhere else to go, I can trust my place in Him. When I am in him, no one can get to me because he is also my fortress, which means he protects me from all hurt, harm or danger. What a wonderful feeling, that there is such a place in God where the world can't do me know harm.

Perhaps you are feeling like things are to difficult to endure, hold on, and find your place in Him. There, you will find, the Perfect Place to Stand!

Pastor SP Courtney